
What Research Fields Related to Materials Informatics?

In today’s time, we are living in the Digital Age. In this age, there is a constant need for new technologies and innovations to stay ahead of other people. Materials science has come up with many innovations that have made modern life easier. The field of materials science deals with the study of matter at its most fundamental level: the composition of matter and how it behaves. There are many branches of materials research: biotechnology, chemical engineering, chemistry, civil engineering, earth sciences, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering and mineralogy. In today’s world there is growing demand for innovative technologies to be fast-tracked into production as soon as possible. This is where materials informatics comes into play; it involves using data from different fields of materials science to make smarter decisions faster than ever before. Read on to know more about the various fields related to materials informatics and its impact on the industry.


What is Materials Informatics?

Materials informatics is the science of using information from different fields of materials science to make smarter decisions faster than ever before. To understand what materials informatics is, we first need to discuss the process involved. A supply chain is a series of connected entities that performs the function of moving and storing a product from one location to another. Usually, a product undergoes several stages of production and distribution before being consumed by customers. The chemical engineering branch of materials informatics looks at the entire chain from raw materials to finished products. With the help of data related to chemical elements and their purity, the engineers can predict what effect certain changes will have on the product during the production stage.


Types of Materials Informatics

– Mapping – It is a process of converting raw materials into a standard format to enable efficient flow of information. It involves converting data from the format used in one field to that used in the other. – Image Mining – It includes processing images and creating useful information. – Text Mining – It is the process of using text data to create predictive models. – Graph Mining – It includes the process of creating graphs from raw data. – Link Analysis – It involves the analysis of links between data entities. – Entity Relationship – It involves associating data entities based on their Relationship with each other. – Predictive Modeling – It involves creating models that can predict future outcomes. – Market Forecasting – It involves forecasting the demand for products based on data from various fields.


Applications of Materials Informatics

– Predicting the demand for construction materials based on the data from civil engineering and geology. – Predicting the strength of steel based on the data from civil engineering and metallurgy. – Predicting the demand for rare-earth elements based on the data from mineralogy, geology and civil engineering. – Predicting the demand for oil based on the data from petroleum engineering, geology and civil engineering. – Predicting the demand for fertilizer based on the data from agricultural engineering and soil science. – Predicting the demand for rubber based on the data from civil engineering and materials science. – Predicting the demand for electronics based on the data from electrical engineering, materials science and manufacturing engineering.


Importance of Materials Informatics

Every industry is trying to reduce its carbon footprint and minimize its impact on the environment. Since materials are one of the main contributors to climate change and pollution, the field of materials informatics has a huge impact on the environment. Materials informatics seeks to provide ways to use data strategically to make sustainable decisions. Many of the materials used in our daily lives have a limited lifespan. Understanding the lifespan of these materials and using data from materials informatics to make more sustainable decisions can greatly reduce the impact on our environment.


Fields related to Materials Informatics

– Materials Engineering – This field is concerned with the design and use of materials to solve problems. – Materials Chemistry – This field is concerned with the composition of materials and their properties. – Materials Physics – This field is concerned with the properties of materials and their uses. – Geology – This field deals with the study of Earth and its constituent elements. – Metallurgy – This field deals with the various aspects of refining metals. – Mineralogy – This field studies minerals and their origin. – Earth Sciences – This field deals with the study – Petroleum Engineering – This field is concerned with the extraction, refining and transportation of petroleum. – Structural Engineering – This field deals with the engineering aspects of buildings and structures. – Materials Characterization – This field involves the characterization of materials, their properties and uses.



In today’s world, the demand for innovative technologies is increasing. This has led to the growth of materials informatics as it takes advantage of data from different fields of materials science to make smarter decisions faster than ever before. The field of materials informatics deals with the use of data to make smart decisions in different fields of materials. All these fields are closely related to one another and thus it is important to have an insight into materials informatics.

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